The Benefits of Life Insurance for Children

It can be challenging to think about your children passing away at an early age. As such, many people do not think about buying life insurance for their children. However, at Old Pueblo Insurance, serving the greater Oro Valley, AZ area, we encourage you to if you can afford to do so because there are benefits to doing so. Here are a few of the benefits of purchasing life insurance for children.

You Protect Your Child Against Future Health Conditions

One of the biggest benefits to purchasing life insurance for your children is that it may help to protect their ability to purchase life insurance if they develop in future health conditions. Many insurers will deny coverage or increase the price if a person has or has had certain conditions like cancer or diabetes. If your child already has life insurance, they can typically carry the policy with them throughout life, which may help them out if they develop a health problem as a child.

The Insurance Makes an Unbearable Time Slightly More Manageable

The other major advantage to purchasing life insurance for a child is that it can make an unbearable time slightly more manageable. You do not want to think about your child dying, but accidents happen and kids get sick. If this were to happen to your child, could you afford the type of funeral you want to give him or her? If not, you may want to look into purchasing life insurance so you do not have to worry about money if you find yourself in this position.

If you are looking to purchase life insurance for your children in the greater Oro Valley, AZ area, let Old Pueblo Insurance help. Contact us today to get answers to any questions you may have or to obtain a quote.

Does Commercial Insurance Protect Business Owners From Losses Caused By Shoplifting?

Retail business owners from the Oro Valley, AZ area need to understand the importance of protecting their company with commercial insurance. Old Pueblo Insurance wants you to learn what commercial insurance does and does not cover. The main concern for most retail businesses is shoplifting and other types of theft. Theft costs retail businesses millions of dollars each year. Companies often go to great lengths to reduce the risk of this type of loss. Installing security cameras and hiring plain clothes security officers are just two ways members of management try to protect themselves from shoplifters.

Shoplifting can cause devastating financial losses to a business. It is not covered by most insurance policies, however, burglary, robbery, and malicious mischief are covered by insurance because of the use of force and potential damage to the property. Shoplifting, on the other hand, uses no force and rarely results in physical damage to store property. Even though it is not covered by insurance, shoplifting remains a huge concern. It can often be prevented by employing protective measures like shoplifting awareness signals, increased security, and alarm systems.

The agents at Old Pueblo Insurance serve business owners in Oro Valley, AZ, and many nearby communities. They offer several commercial insurance options that can be used to protect your business from financial loss. Contact an insurance agent today to find out what your insurance covers and what you may need to do to keep your policy up to date. If you want to protect your business from financial loss, you need to have the right type of commercial coverage. Call our office today for a consultation and a thorough review of your policy.


Increasing the Personal Value of Your Oro Valley, AZ, Home Insurance with a Documented Home Inventory

When homeowners find they need to make an Old Pueblo Insurance claim for water damage or fire damage, they are relieved to find that the day they spent documenting an inventory of their belongings, purchases, remodels or upgrades on their home; with photos, paid bills, and detailed descriptions securely pay off. Time after time, insured homeowners report that they are so grateful that they took one day our of their busy schedule to do their part in documenting their insured belongings.

How to Create an Insurance Inventory in Oro Valley, AZ  

There is no magic formula for documenting your belongings for an Old Pueblo Insurance Home Inventory. The more itemized information you provide, the easier it will be for your insurance company to assess the replacement costs. Some important identification you need to list includes product names, serial numbers, photos, purchase dates, repair service policies, product descriptions, copies of paid receipts or a value estimate.

Some Oro Valley, AZ homeowners, find it easier to video, room by room, stopping at each item and verbally reviewing the information from serial numbers to receipts. The video should be thorough and slow enough for documenting each item with clarity. Be sure to include each room/closets, the backyard, front yard, driveway, and garage.

Some items could easily be missed, sliding-mirror closet doors, oversized wall mirrors or wall hangings. Document all upgrades like high-end kitchen appliances, flooring, light fixtures, and crown molding. Remember recent replacements like a new roof, air conditioner, washer & dryer, Jacuzzi, or tools like a lawnmower and chainsaw.

Document high-end items paintings, collectibles, jewelry, and investment paperwork – stocks, bonds, hidden currency, coins, in a special section. Keep a second copy in a fireproof lockbox.

Are Your Pipes Ready for Colder Weather?

It may not get extremely cold here in Oro Valley, AZ, but that doesn’t mean it cannot happen. In the case that temperatures do drop below freezing at night, are your pipes ready? If not, you will likely wake up to an unfortunate situation that can cost you a lot of money and time. Use these tips to ensure that your pipes are ready for the colder weather.

Insulate Your Pipes

If you have pipes that are exposed to the outdoors, you should consider insulating them with covers for those colder nights. They will help your pipes retain warmth and prevent freezing. You can get some pipe insulation and covers from your local hardware store.

Let Your Faucets Drip

On those extra cold nights, letting one or two pipes continuously drip through the evening can help them prevent from freezing. The constantly moving water will keep them from freezing. Just be sure not to let them drop too much, or you will pay a lot of extra money on your water bill. A small drip is plenty.

Use the Heat Inside Your Home

If it is cold outside, you are likely already using the heat inside. When it is supposed to get below freezing outside, open up your cabinets that have pipes in them. This will allow the heat you are already using to get to the pipes and keep them warm all night long. It will not even cost you any more to do this.

The best way to protect your home from any unfortunate circumstance, including frozen pipes, is to have a great home insurance policy. If you are looking for a good policy, be sure to contact our office, serving Oro Valley, AZ, today for a quote that fits your needs.

How much life insurance do you actually need?

Once you reach a certain age, the value of life insurance becomes abundantly clear–it’s something that is necessary, not optional. What isn’t as clear is exactly how much life insurance one should have. There are formulas that some financial experts suggest, such as two or three years salary, or some percentage of your net worth, or the total amount of your debt plus a certain amount. The bottom line, though, is that it is a personal decision for each person, and you need to carefully look at your goals to find how much life insurance you need.

At one end of the spectrum are people who just want to pay their funeral expenses. This is often the case of someone who is single with no children who simply doesn’t want to burden his extended family. In this case, a relatively small policy is all you would need, depending on the type of final wishes you have. With cremation and a small service, the amount is really small–as low as $1,000, but with a casket and a large service, that number can easily climb closer to 15 or 20 thousand.

The other end of the spectrum is the person who has a lot of shared debt–mortgage, car loans, etc. and perhaps shared future expenses like putting kids through college. In this case, you would likely want enough money on your life insurance to cover all of those debts and your aforementioned final expenses, leaving your partner or family with no financial worries. One nice trick to use is to have multiple term policies, with one expiring about the time you expect your shared debt to be paid off and the other lasting longer to cover other expenses. For more information and t find out what coverage is right for you, call Old Pueblo Insurance, serving Oro Valley, AZ,  today.



3 Reasons Why You Should Get Commercial Insurance

As a business owner in Oro Valley, AZ, you want to do right by her business. This means obtaining a commercial insurance policy. While you may not want to spend the money, there are a variety of reasons as to why you should. It can provide you with peace of mind all year long knowing that the coverage is in place if you need it.

It’s Required

One of the main reasons why you might need commercial insurance is because it’s required. Not all commercial insurance is a requirement, and not all businesses require it, but there are instances where it is. For example, if you have commercial vehicles, you will need to obtain commercial auto insurance. If you work within certain industries, you may need liability insurance. An independent insurance agent can guide you through the coverage to determine what is required based upon your business.

It’s Affordable

Commercial insurance is a lot more affordable than you might think. When you take the time to make comparisons between the different companies, you can see who has the best premiums. Further, you may be able to get all of your commercial insurance from one company. This can save you even more because of the discounts that are available.

It Offers Protection

Finally, you want to have commercial insurance because it is going to offer protection. Whether you need to make repairs to a building, replace inventory, or deal with the lawsuit because of negligence, you are going to want to lean on the insurance company for financial assistance. If you have to pay everything out of your business, there may not be anything left – and this could cause you to close your business forever.

Contact us at Old Pueblo Insurance today to learn more about commercial insurance.

5 Tips for Finding the Best Motorcycle Insurance in Oro Valley, AZ

Motorcycles are so much fun to the people who own them, and let’s face it, they’re pretty cool too. However, they’re also laced with a variety of potential hazards. Consider these 5 tips for getting the best motorcycle insurance possible, so can feel more prepared and confident driving with the nothing but the open road in front of you.

1. Theft

Motorcycles are very easy to steal, and thieves love to see one anywhere. Even the best locking systems can fail, so it’s recommended that you have full theft coverage on your motorcycle.

2. Weather

Ora Valley can get some unexpected weather, and even a few moments on the wrong conditions can put you in real danger. Consider what other drivers do when they’re faced with unfamiliar driving conditions before you make your final choice.

3. Bodily Injury

Hopefully you never have to deal with this, but motorcycles simply can’t offer the same safety measures that cars can. Having as much insurance as possible in a crash, even if it’s not your fault and even if you have medical insurance, can really help take some of the financial burden off you.

4. Vandalism

Accidents and vandalism happen, and motorcycles can be damaged pretty easily. Aside from trying to visit safe areas on your bike and just using general good sense, you may want to consider just how costly it can be to sustain some type of structural destruction.

5. Company Matters

Choosing a good company is one of the best ways to get good motorcycle insurance. Old Pueblo Insurance in Oro Valley, AZ can talk to you more about how you can best stave off disaster with the right policy. We know the good and the bad of bikes of all kinds Call today for a quote!


Is Your Boating Insurance Adequate

Boating is an exciting and fun way to enjoy the waterways of Arizona. If you own a boat that is larger than a canoe or small sailboat that travels at a speed under 25 mph, such as a yacht or other personal watercraft, you should consider the importance of purchasing boating insurance. The independent insurance agents of Old Pueblo Insurance provide you with the information regarding your Ora Valley, AZ boating  insurance needs. We are professionals dedicated to finding the correct coverage that protects you and your boat in the event of an accident, resulting in financial loss.     

Determining What is Adequate Insurance Protection

Boating activities in the State of Arizona are regulated by the Game and Fish Department. At the time you register your boat, you are not required to purchase boating insurance; however, given the value of this type of investment, it is in your best interest to purchase adequate coverage. Your boating insurance, at a minimum, should cover:

  • Hull, attached equipment, furnishings and fixtures against physical damage or loss.
  • Bodily damage.
  • Liability for anyone other than you as the owner using the vessel.
  • Theft of property.

An independent insurance agent can work with you to assess your needs and provide you with the policy that meets your boating insurance requirements.

Finding the Right Boat Insurance

The independent insurance agents of Old Pueblo Insurance are available to provide you with the information you need for your boat insurance protection. Before you purchase any form of protection for your yacht or other personal watercraft, you should consult with an Old Pueblo agent in order to obtain the information you need to make an informed decision.  We serve a broad area of customers in Arizona, from Tucson to Red Rock. We also meet the boating insurance needs of customers in New Mexico, Ohio and Michigan. Get the information for your important boat insurance policy by contacting an independent insurance agent at Old Pueblo now.