Keeping your home in prime shape requires maintenance anywhere, but Oro Valley, AZ, is home to some unique challenges. This short and easy checklist will give extra longevity to every part of your home, and providers like Old Pueblo Insurance may be able to offer discounts when your home is adequately protected from the seasons.
Manage Your Air Conditioner
Tucson summers are no joke. You’ll have the air running around the clock, and the unit is basically your lifeline for four months of the year. In order to keep it working at its best and your comfort levels sustainable, you need to give it some TLC. Every month, you should check that it is draining properly and that there are no excessive condensation points on the unit or in the vents. You also want to get it serviced annually, where the filters will be replaced and a professional can check for signs of wear. Staying on top of your air conditioner won’t just save you money in the long run; it could save your summer too.
Check for Sun Damage
Even for most of the winter, the sun will beat down on your house mercilessly. You want to inspect your roof and walls for signs of sun damage roughly twice a year. Cracks and crumbling are important signs of a problem, but the primary early indicator is bleaching. When you see things turning pale, you know that they aren’t long for this world. Getting your roof and walls repaired will prevent insulation leaks and protect you from the short but intense monsoon season. Most people who aren’t from the region underestimate just how violent the summer storms tend to be, and water damage is a common and devastating problem for the unprepared.
Maximize Shade
The sun creates vulnerabilities, and the storms blow them open, so you want to do things that can mitigate that damage in the first place. Shade is the obvious and attainable answer. Window treatments can help keep the heat out, but you can go much further. When manageable, large trees can cast healthy shade that protects your home and keeps the air conditioner from working hard. Extended overhangs and patios can have a similar effect, making summers less severe all around.
Check out the other hot tips from Old Pueblo Insurance to make sure you are the master of your Oro Valley, AZ, home.